Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)

Invasive Non-Native Species can spread rapidly and have dramatic effects on biodiversity at both a local and national scale.  It is therefore important to monitor and take action against invasive non-native species.  So we can safeguard our native plants, animals and habitats.

Maintaining Our Biodiversity

The North East is rich in wildlife, with the area being home to a diverse range of natural habitats and species. This helps make it a brilliant environment for people in which to live and work.

Biodiversity underpins many of our industries such as agriculture, timber, pulp and paper, and horticulture. Habitats and species are crucial for nature conservation and the raw materials they provide. They also offer essential services such as crop pollination, clean water, and improved flood control.

Loss of variety amongst our native wildlife increases many risks; not just today, but especially for future generations.

With the advances in technology and our increasing reliance on it, it is easy to forget that nature can, and does, provide more natural solutions to many of society’s problems.  As the variety of species declines, so do future options.

Invasive Species

Invasive species include both plants and animals, and they can have a range of effects on our local wildlife and ecosystems.  Overshading, rapid growth in numbers and the introduction or spread of diseases are just some of the many ways in which non-native species can come to dominate our native ones.

Invasive non-native species frequently show vigorous growth, and as they lack natural predators or controls, they can displace or even eliminate our native ones.

Picture of Japanese Knotweed (an Invasive Non-Native Species) crowding out native vegetation on a riverbank.

Japanese Knotweed along riverbank © Trevor Renals

Invasive plants such as Japanese knotweed can shade out many native plants and can grow through roads, driveways and even crack concrete walls.

Picture of a man in a protective white suit surrounded by Giant Hogweed (an Invasive Non-Native Species) which is twice his size.

Giant Hogweed © Tom Richards – Wye and Usk Foundation

Giant Hogweed obstructs riverbanks for walkers and fishermen, and the sap can cause skin blisters and lead to persistent skin sensitivity in sunlight. It thrives in many places, including “waste” ground, with each plant producing thousands of seeds each year which then disperse widely.

Picture showing an Mink (an Invasive Non-Native Species) attacking a juvenile Gannet (a native species) on a sea shore.

Mink attacking juvenile Gannet © John W Anderson.

American mink take eggs, chicks and adults of ground nesting birds, and are a major factor in the decline of the native water vole. They also take poultry, game birds and salmon.

Threats and Solutions

The problem of invasive species cannot be tackled without knowledge of where these species currently are.  Several projects are underway across the North East to tackle the threats posed by invasive species. Often these require help from the wider community – both from volunteering efforts and reports of sightings.

It is essential that invasive control work is maintained and vigilance is required to identify the continued spread or new threats.

Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels

The Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels Project controls the introduced North American grey squirrel, which has been behind the vast reduction in numbers of our native Red Squirrel.

Report a squirrel sighting – both red or grey!

Scottish Invasive Species Initiative

The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (SISI) takes action to control American mink and invasive plants along rivers throughout the majority of Scotland.  This is supported by the work of various River Trusts, the Dee Catchment Partnership and the North East Non-Native Invasive Species – Dee Catchment Partnership with help from local community groups and volunteers who help tackle giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam. This clip shows the start of an ongoing project to control giant hogweed on the River Urie and clearly illustrates the need for volunteers and long-term control plans.

The control of Giant Hogweed on the River Deveron is a great example of an innovative approach to tackle this problem and is now being used in other project areas.

Report any sightings of American Mink or invasive plant species.

As the saying goes, “If you see something, say something®”

Everyone can play their part in helping control invasive species which threaten our local biodiversity. Any sightings of invasive species should always be reported.  Further information on how to do this, including the identification of invasive species, is provided by NatureScot.

As well as reporting information to specific local projects, it is also important to report them to our local Biological Recording Centre, NESBReC.  All these actions help conserve our wonderful wildlife for future generations.

Photo of a red squirrel climbing the trunk of a Scots Pine

Red Squirrel © Ian Talboys

Emma Williams

Environment Planner at Aberdeenshire Council