Important Locations for Biodiversity

Statutory and non-statutory sites in North East Scotland

Scotland has statutory designated sites of international, national and local importance for nature conservation, and most are represented in North East Scotland.  They are protected because they are particularly important locations for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity and are valued by society.

There are also non-statutory sites (not designated through policy or legislation), which contribute to nature conservation. These include RSPB and Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserves, and there are several within the NESBiP area.

Areas between and linking statutory and non-statutory sites are also important and may be identified as forming part of the North East’s developing Nature Networks.  Protected species, often occur outside protected sites and use linkages between protected areas which provide essential habitat networks for species to move through the landscape

More about designated sites within the NESBiP area:

International Designations

Natura Sites

Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and candidate SAC (cSAC)
Special Protection Area (SPA) and proposed SPA (pSPA)

Any plan or project with the potential to impact a Natura site (including cSAcs and pSPAs) will require a Habitats Regulations Appraisal screening and may require an Appropriate Assessment.



National Designations

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)
National Nature Reserves (NNRs)
Other Designations including Forestry Designations and Seal Conservation Areas

Local Designations

Details of all local designations can be found through the Council websites listed below in more information.

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are areas of natural heritage that are (at least) locally important. There are 75 LNRs in Scotland. The local authority can designate a Local Nature Reserve as a protected area of land because of its special natural interest and/ or educational value. They are sometimes linked to SSSIs and/or a Natura site. The local authority is responsible for managing LNRs in its area and will usually do so through its countryside ranger service.

Local Nature Conservation Sites (LNCSs)

Local Nature Conservation Sites (LNCSs) identify locally important natural heritage. These areas could be affected by development.

This network of sites represents the best of local biodiversity across the area.   As well as biodiversity, LNCS may also be designated for their importance for geodiversity (rocks, fossils and all the earth materials that are important to us, such as soil). The LNCS network complements and supports International and Nationally important sites like Special Protection Areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

LNCS vary considerably in size from a bog or old quarry of a few hectares to extensive stretches along river valleys. They include a range of habitats such as lowland raised peat bog, woodland, grassland, wetlands, but many are coastal sites which cover sand dunes, estuaries and coastal cliffs.

North East Scotland Biological Records Centre (NESBReC)  also hold detailed data, including species records, for each of the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire LNCS sites. This can be accessed on request.

Non-Statutory Designations

Ancient Woodland

The Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) is a guide to the location of Ancient Woodland. It contains three main categories of woodland, all of which are likely to be of value for their biodiversity and cultural value by virtue of their antiquity. Ancient woodland receives strong protection through NPF4 (National Planning Framework 4) and the Control of Woodland Removal Policy.

Nature Networks

Nature Networks aim to connect nature-rich sites, restoration areas, and other environmental projects through a series of areas of suitable habitat, habitat corridors and stepping-stones. The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy aims for Scotland to restore nature by 2045. To support this goal, each local authority in Scotland is tasked with having a Nature Network in place by 2030 – these Networks will link together to support the national target to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

More information on important locations for biodiversity

Local authority maps and information

Local Development Plans and supporting guidance should be consulted for information about the location of protected sites and relevant planning policies:

Aberdeen City Council Natural Heritage interactive mapping tool
Individual Aberdeen City Council LNCS site maps

Aberdeenshire Council Local Nature Conservation Sites
  interactive mapping tool

Moray Council Nature Networks

Find a designated site

Search for all international and national designations on Scotland’s Environment Web.

Search for local designations (Local Nature Conservation Sites and Local Nature Reserves) on Scotland’s Local Government Spatial Hub.

Read more about designated sites

You can read about Scotland’s designated sites on NatureScot’s website.

More information on non-statutory designated sites

You can find more information on this on NatureScot’s website.

More advice for developers

NatureScot have produced specific advice about what is expected of developers proposing or undertaking work in or close to a designated site.

Picture of the sand dunes at Forvie NNR at sunset. Which are an important location for biodiversity.

Forvie NNR © Lorne Gill / NatureScot

Statutory designated sites of importance are particularly important locations for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity, and are valued by society

Lina-Elvira Back

Environmental Planner at Aberdeen City Council