Biodiversity is the variety of life!

Biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or a particular habitat or place. More and more we are understanding its importance and variety, and a few hundred words cannot do justice to the biodiversity in North East Scotland and any kind of list will miss someone’s favourites. However, to attempt it, here are a few highlights.

Red Squirrel © Ian Talboys

Red Squirrel © Ian Talboys

Our Woodlands

Our woodlands are rich with a variety life including crossbills and pine martens, and the region is still home to a thriving red squirrel population, which is now re-expanding back into Aberdeen. Some of Scotland’s ancient pine forests are still found here.

Our Rivers

At the right time of year our rivers see salmon coming inland to spawn, and at a few well-known spots they can be seen leaping falls to get to their spawning grounds.

A night-time visit might reveal Daubenton’s bats hunting for insects just above the water surface.

Up in the hills, dippers can often be seen between their hunting expeditions below the water

Atlantic Salmon ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

Atlantic Salmon ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

Mountain Hare Morvern 01122013

Mountain Hare © Rose Toney

Our Mountains

Our mountains host ptarmigan and mountain hare who change their plumage/coats with the seasons. Mountain flowers include the rare alpine sow-thistle and the woolly willow.

Our Upland Heathland and Grasslands

A lot of Moray and Aberdeenshire are upland. These areas tend to be managed through grazing and the heather-dominated areas sometimes by burning. The bird most characteristic of these areas is curlew, but look out for adders and lizards basking in the sun.

Short-eared owl at Forvie National Nature Reserve © Ron Macdonald

Short-eared owl at Forvie National Nature Reserve © Ron Macdonald


Lapwing ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

Our Farmland

Even in the agricultural areas there is still a variety of life to see. There are still a few corn buntings if you know where to look, but some of the less intensively used areas still host wading birds such as lapwing.

Our Coastline

Coastal habitats range from steep cliffs through to large expanses of sand dunes. Whilst some of these have been destroyed by development or forestry there are good examples. Characteristic species include oyster plant growing on shingle, purple milk vetch on dunes, as well as the wading birds, such as curlew, redshank and lapwing, that congregate on estuaries like the Ythan.

St Cyrus NNR. Grampian Area. ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

St Cyrus NNR. Grampian Area. ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot


©P&A Macdonald/NatureScot

Clustered Bellflower, St Cyrus NNR. ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

Grey Seals hauled out on a sea skerry. ©Lorne Gill/SNH

Grey Seals hauled out on a sea skerry. ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

Our Sea

Spotting marine biodiversity is not easy, but bottlenose dolphins often appear along the shore and in Aberdeen harbour and humpback whales are becoming more frequent visitors. In the nesting season seabirds like gannets gather at sites like Troup Head along with kittiwakes, guillemots and razorbills.

Bottlenose dolphins, Moray Firth. ©Lorne Gill/NatureScot

Are you a developer or ecologists looking to find out more about biodiversity in North East Scotland?

We have created a Developers Hub with all the information you need to protect and enhance our biodiversity.

Robin Pakeman

Principal Ecologist at the James Hutton Institute

Protecting Our Biodiversity

Our partnership was established to protect and recover this rich local biodiversity. Keep reading to find out more.